Dear Parents/Carers,
This year Ebbw Fawr Learning Community are really excited to be raising money for Red Nose Day 2013. As one of the UK’s biggest fundraising events, Red Nose Day brings the entire nation together to do something funny for money.
To do our bit and raise money our whole community will be taking part in a number of events on Friday 15th March including:
Non-Uniform (50p voluntary contribution), Film Screening, Mini Table Tennis Face Painting, Silent Discos, Cake Selling, Nail Painting, Sponsored Silences, Name the Teddy Bear, Name the Dog, and Guess the Cake Weight.
Challenges will include:
Rugby, Crackers, Marshmallows, Sweets, Hula Hoops, PS3 racing games and Wii.
The list goes on…..
And the best bit is, all the money we raise from pupils’ donations to each event helps people living incredibly tough lives, both at home in the UK and across Africa. To find out more about Red Nose Day visit
We will also be using learning resources provided by Comic Relief so that our pupils can learn exactly how the money they are raising will help transform the lives of poor and vulnerable people.
We really appreciate your support and hope that you’ll have fun helping Ebbw Fawr Learning Community raise lots of money for Red Nose Day!.
Yours faithfully,
Mrs M. Thomas
Assistant Director for Care and Guidance
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