Our school vision was created in consultation with stakeholders. The school held sessions with all staff, parents, pupils and governors to consider their ideas and suggestions for a draft vision. Our new school vision in line with the Curriculum for Wales was launched in September 2022 for the primary sector and September 2023 for the secondary sector for year 7 and 8 and underpins all areas of school life.
Our curriculum enables us to realise our vision. As part of curriculum design:
All staff worked together to identify the required changes to our current cultures, provision and practices.
Areas of Learning
The Curriculum for Wales framework comprises 6 Areas of Learning and Experience. Across these are 27 mandatory statements of what matters. Young people will develop their learning via an exploration of the essential ideas and principles contained in these statements. As students move through their curriculum, teachers have created lessons that enable a more sophisticated understanding and application of the statements of what matters.
Our school curriculum will be kept under review to ensure that it is meeting the needs of our learners and Ebbw Fawr’s school vision. Throughout the year there will be a variety of self-evaluation activities to inform our understanding of the effectiveness of our curriculum and the required revision.
We will work within our school, across the cluster and in partnership with governors, the regional consortia, the local authority and our ITE partnership to further develop a shared understanding of progression and to ensure a high-quality 3-16 continuum of learning for all.