Dear Parents/Carers, We have been notified of a positive case of COVID-19 of a pupil within the secondary phase. The relevant pupils and associated staff have been contacted and have been asked to self-isolate in accordance with Government Guidelines. I would stress that the school remains open to ALL year groups 3-16. However, if any...Read More
We are all relieved and delighted with this year’s GCSE and Vocational results. After an incredibly difficult few months for all our learners, we are so pleased that their hard work and dedication has been rewarded. It’s important to remember amidst the national headlines that GCSEs are studied for over a period of years, and the...Read More
Dear Parents/Carers, The NHS has asked for this message to be sent out to you. Undiagnosed Type 1 diabetes in children requires urgent medical attention If your child has ANY of the main symptoms of Type 1 diabetes please make an urgent GP appointment or contact the Out of Hours service. The main symptoms are...Read More
*** Last Updated: 16/06/2020 at 11:06 GMT *** Next week we will send out to all parents / carers a detailed schedule by post on which day your son / daughter can attend school when we re-open on the 29th June. Please be assured that we are adhering to the strict guidelines for re-opening as...Read More
5th June 2020 Dear Parents/Carers Re-opening of Schools Following the Education Minister’s announcement on Wednesday signalling the opening of schools from Monday 29th June, I am writing to make you aware of the process and planning that will take place over the next few weeks in order to prepare as safely as possible for our...Read More
Important Information for Year 11 Students and Parents/Carers: The Welsh Government has confirmed grades for GCSE exams in Wales will be published on their original planned day. Pupils studying over the current academic year in Wales will receive their results as originally scheduled in August, alongside students in Northern Ireland and England. GCSE students results...Read More
In line with the latest Welsh Government Guidance, Blaenau Gwent Council is moving to a direct payment method for free school meals. The weekly sum of £19.50 per/child (which equates to £3.90 per day – £1.00 breakfast and £2.90 for lunch), will be available for children and young people who normally access their full-time education...Read More
Today we met with Coleg Gwent to discuss the next steps for our Year 11 learners. In the meeting we were informed that over the next few weeks a ‘New Learner Portal’ will be created, which will offer a virtual induction for all students who have been accepted on a Coleg Gwent course. It is...Read More
Dear Parent/Carer, The local authority is moving to a direct payment system for those families that are eligible for free school meals (FSM). A weekly sum of £19.50 per child , will be paid directly into your bank/building society account or post office account via BAC’s payment. The £19.50 payment will be issued to cover...Read More
After hearing a cry for help from our local care homes, our DT department have been busy working hard trying to create safety masks and door openers / button pushers. We think we have cracked it! If any organisation is in desperate need for any of these, please get in touch and we will endeavour...Read More