The English Department at Ebbw Fawr Learning Community is one of the central departments of the school. We teach most of the pupils in the first five years, and a number thereafter. Moreover, English is a crucial subject in the curriculum; one of the key subjects for teaching:
English lessons are responsible for making pupils aware of themselves, their language, the world of imagination and feelings, of the demands of written language, and of the skills of exposition and argument.
In these respects English has a unique breadth of thinking and response to offer pupils, and we must do all we can to get pupils involved and contributing positively in class and preps. A crucial aspect of English is that it should be entertaining, lively and fun. Our teaching attempts to reach as many pupils, and provide as much stimulus, as possible. It is regarded as a priority that we act as ambassadors for our subject, and teach with enthusiasm.
As well as entering several teams each year for the Rotary Youth Speaks Competition, where we are nearly always successful at local level, we also organise an annual Public Speaking Competition for all of Years 7-10, adjudicated by outside judges, and always a highly entertaining event.
We organise several theatre trips a year, generally to see texts we are studying but also for cultural reasons, and have even been known to visit the cinema with pupils to see more erudite productions. Each year we organise at least one author visit in conjunction with the Learning Resource Centre and also we help run various reading initiatives, from National Storytelling Week to World Book Day all designed to promote the fun and enjoyment of literature. Last, but by no means least, we play an active part in the school magazine.
English is taken by nearly all students at Key Stage 3 and for GCSE and most also study English Literature as a full GCSE.
The English department has access to a wealth of school resources, including Chromebooks, laptops, iPads and Kindles.
Pupils utilise a variety of these resources within their structured lessons, to help develop their ICT competency skills through the use of language.