How are places at EVE allocated?
Places at EVE are allocated at the ‘Concerns and Actions Panel (C & A panel)’ which takes place at the secondary school site once every half term.
This panel is made up of a range of multi-agency staff from the educational, social and medical directorates in the local authority.
Applications for the C&A Panel are made via referral form and these applications must evidence a graduated response to pupil need that has been unsuccessful over a sustained period of time.
Pupils are regularly reviewed using Pastoral Support Plans. This information coupled with BOXALL assessment data is used to identify students readiness to return to their original educational provision or their need to access higher levels of support.
KS4 Flexible Learning Pathway
EVE currently supports 15 learners with a wide variety of learning needs. The base provides a safe and nurturing environment in which the needs of individual pupils can be addressed suitably.
Staff from EVE work closely with whole-school colleagues, parents and the wider community to ensure students within EVE are afforded opportunities to realise their potential.
If necessary, referrals to external agencies are made by staff to ensure learners have ample support inside and outside of the classroom.
Students are offered a range of learning opportunities delivered by external providers such as ‘Inspire’, ‘Positive Futures’, and ‘Princes Trust’ as well as classroom based learning opportunities delivered by the teaching staff at EVE.
EVE staff invest time seeking out opportunities for learners to develop holistically and have been successful in securing funding for:
These projects provide young people with alternative learning opportunities to further enrich their curriculum and develop personally.
Our expectation is to ensure that learners leave EVE with 9 GCSEs or GCSE equivalents to allow them to secure further education employment and training as well as developing personal skills to help achieve their full potential. Learners will complete GCSE examinations in Maths, Numeracy, English, Science, Welsh Baccalaureate, BTEC Sweet (Success in Education, Employment and Training) and Life skills as well as accreditation in Agored Cymru (GCSE equivalent)
Intervention & Support
EVE staff carryout diagnostic testing using the BOXALL profile as well as regular reviews of Individual Education Plans (IEPs), Pastoral Support Plans (PSPs) and statements of Special Educational Needs (SEN). This rigorous monitoring ensures that all learners receive the best possible support to meet their individual needs.
All students are tested for eligibility for access arrangements in line with the examination board criteria. This will determine whether learners will require additional access arrangements during their time at Ebbw Fawr Learning Community. Learners are placed with familiar teaching staff during examinations and testing to ensure there is someone supporting them during what can be a stressful time.
Students are rewarded for their endeavours with postcards home, messages home as well as additional trips and activities such as external visits, sporting activities and educational trips. Learners are given opportunities to visit local and national areas of interest to ensure they become ethical, informed citizens of Wales and the world.
Learners have access to a dedicated and attractive learning space with an interactive whiteboard, laptop facilties and their own kitchen and toilet facilities. There is also a private study area for those wishing to complete their work without distraction.
Parents, Carers & Students. Please visit our online resource libraries for revision content, tutor support, homework & more using Microsoft Teams for Education (or) access your work remotely using Home Access.