(01495) 369555
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ICT & Computing Department


Life in the ICT Department moves quickly, with many great examples of work being produced by the students along the way.

In recent times the emphasis within the curriculum has switched from traditional ICT skills and knowledge to a Computer Science core. This evolution was inevitable and actually essential in order to remain one of the most relevant subjects to 21st century learners.

"Everybody in this country should learn how to program a computer… because it teaches you how to think."

Steve Jobs

Why study ICT & Computing?

The aims of the courses in ICT are to encourage candidates to:

  • develop a broad range of ICT skills and knowledge of the uses of ICT in vocational contexts, as a basis for progression into further learning in ICT-related fields.
  • develop knowledge and understanding of the components, functions and applications of information systems within a range of organisations;
  • develop a broader understanding of the main principles of solving problems through the medium of ICT and develop the skills necessary to apply this understanding.
  • apply their knowledge and understanding of ICT and use skills (e.g. planning, research, evaluation, problem solving) in vocational contexts;
  • develop an understanding of the impact of information systems on organisations’ personnel, policies and practices;
  • develop project management skills and an understanding of the need to work with others.

Coding: The 21st Century skill

Each and every interaction between humans and computers is governed by code. Whether you create a web app, follow GPS directions when driving or wish to revolutionise social interactions. Programming is everywhere and fundamental to the understanding of a hyper-connected world. Coding is the literacy of today and it helps practice 21st century skills such as problem solving, team work and analytical thinking.

Basic coding skills is also needed for many jobs. Did you know that more than 90% of professional occupations nowadays require digital competences, including programming? There is also a talent shortage as the education system is slow to react to new demands. In Europe we will have up to 825,000 ICT job vacancies by 2020.

Digital Single Market

The educational diet of children seems to be forever in flux however it had never been so important for all young people to learn to code. I myself started  back in the early eighties and what began as interest, became a passion and blossomed into a career as a programmer. However, many years later I now teach ICT and Computing at the Ebbw Fawr Learning Community.

When it comes to computer programming, experience has taught me that gender and age are completely irrelevant factors when it comes to achievement, however I feel it would be fair to say here that the earlier we get them started the better. As a teacher I frequently get asked where to start with computer languages because there are so many free learning resources out there it is difficult to know where to begin. My personal choices would be as follows depending on the age and goals of the learner:


"A qualification that actually makes a difference..."

ICT curriculum

Year 7

Internet Safety, Cyber Security and Encryption
Introduction to Spreadsheets
Introduction to 3D Printing
Computing Past, Present & Future
Programming in Scratch
Programming in Python – Sequence

Year 8

Computing Components
Networking and the Internet
Binary and Computer Logic
Programming in Python: Selection
Advanced Spreadsheets

Year 9

The Ethics of Computing
Programming in Python: Iteration
Designing Websites
Sound and Video Project
Further 3D Printing



GCSE  – Digital Technology (formally known as ICT)
GCSE  – Photography


Ebbw Fawr ICT department has access to a plethora of resources, including drawing tablets, laser printers, professional digital cameras and programmable robotics equipment. 

Furthermore,  the department is equipped with 96 dedicated desktop computers (Refurbished as of August 2019) , spanned over three modern ICT suites with air-conditioning and comfortable seating arrangements.

Parents, Carers & Students. Please visit our online resource libraries for revision content, tutor support, homework & more using Microsoft Teams for Education (or) access your work remotely using Home Access.

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