Dear Parents/Carers, From Monday 30th March 2020 those parents/carers wishing to indicate that they would like to receive a free grab and go packed lunch for their child(ren) must send...Read More
Dear Parent/Carer, Please be informed that if you have applied for a free meal via email or telephone for your child/children either for pick up or delivery you do not...Read More
Dear Parents/Carers In light of recent school closures and the importance of continuing to provide school meal provision to our pupils. As from Wednesday 25th March 2020 school meals in the...Read More
Well done to our Heddlu Bach on their first official duty and our school council members who represented our learning community today at the Ebbw Vale Remembrance Day service. ...Read More
Dear Parent/Carer Ebbw Fawr Learning Community – Skiing Trip – Leysin, Switzerland – February 2020 Ebbw Fawr PE department are organising a Skiing Trip to Leystin,Switzerland during February half-term 2020,...Read More